Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 он минь баяртай!

Өглөө бүр шинэ хүн болж сэрэхдээ цаг хугацаатай бус
 зөвхөн өөрийгөө ялан дийлэх гэж, амжиж эхэлснээ дуусгах гэж 
эрвийх дэрвийхээрээ хичээлээ. Алдагдсан он жилүүдийг нөхөх боломжгүй ч 
хүн бүрт хийсэн алдаагаа засах боломж мөч болгонд гардагт баярланам. 
Өөртөө үнэнч үлдэхийн сайхныг мэдрэх, өөрийгөө хүндлэх, 
замыг гэрэлтүүлэх од мэт амин чухал үнэт зүйлээ олох шиг 
хосгүй нандин эрдэнэ гэж үгүй юм байна. 
Алдаа оноотой, баяр гунигтай мөч бүхнээ хайрламаар.
Зөрөөд өнгөрсөн, хэсэг хугацаанд хамтдаа байсан, 
цаашид ч надтай үлдэх бүх хүнд талархмаар. 
Хайр, ухаарлыг бэлэглэсэн 2014 он минь баярлалаа!

Monday, September 29, 2014

You are your own master.

Only when we meditate on God - directly contact with God
through the light and the sound, then we know. We know
everything without even learning from anyone, without reading
books, without reading newspapers. We understand deeply,
profoundly and everlastingly. You know everything if you meditate
regularly and diligently. There's nothing I need to teach you, nothing 
anyone needs to teach you at all, because you are your own master.
Everyone has God inside and everyone knows that.

The best things are always simple & unconditional.

People cannot believe in anything that is free, anything 
that is simple, anything that is so direct  and unconditional.
That's why it's our duty, if we want to take this duty - to 
remind the people and to try our best with all the loving 
kindness that we receive from God to make people realize 
that the best things are always simple and always unconditional. 
We prove it by our living standard, by our moral quality, by our 
loving kindness which is visible to everyone. We must show God's 
love through our way of living, through our own behavior, through our 
devotion and love to God, and through our devotion, love to all mankind. 
That's how our preaching works, not by verbal languages, but by examples.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Remembering God is our duty.

Every time we meditate, we thank God first, we pray for less fortunate,
and then we remember God with all the sweetness and devotion.
That is our duty-very simple, very pure and very effective.
Then everything will come along, without even we asking.
I never ask anything but everything just comes, and sometimes too quickly.
I have to organize myself in order to receive all the blessing without wasting any.

My dream

I dream that the whole world will become peaceful.
I dream that all the killing will stop.
I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony.
I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other,
protect each other and help each other.
I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed.
It took a billions of years to produce this planet
and it's so beautiful, so wonderful.
I dream it will continue, but in peace, beauty, and love.
Yes, that is my dream.